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Brick by Brick

Leading the narrative for the commercial property finance community

We bring together thought leaders from across the industry to discuss the key issues within the commercial property finance space.  

Our aim is to shine a light on the challenges we face and build a unified community to help break down the barriers, offer practical solutions and share opportunities, with the ultimate goal of fostering greater success for all.


The Latest Episode

Solving The UK’s Housing Shortage

Our latest panel of industry leaders share their thoughts on the key barriers to housebuilding and recommendations for solving the UK’s housing shortage.  Discussion includes why SME housebuilders are suffering most under our broken planning system and how the private sector is integral to improving access to funding. Exploring off-market land, standardising the planning system and better developer incentives are all proposed as solutions for kickstarting more housebuilding.


  1. Gareth Davies, Hodge Bank
  2. Hugh Gibbs, Searchland
  3. Adam Tyler, FIBA
Episode 3

Solving The UK’s Housing Shortage

A new panel of industry leaders join us to discuss the key issues raised in our white paper, including the barriers to housebuilding and how the government and private sector can work together to solve them.  Zoning to help fix the planning system, improving land data, creating a ‘grey belt’ and the need for developers to secure smarter finance were top of the agenda, alongside innovation around net zero and where the government should be investing in technology. Featuring:

  1. Anna Ward, Associate, Knight Frank
  2. Paul Davis, Co-Founder, Nimbus
  3. Steve Smith, Head of Sales, Mint Property Finance
Episode 2

Is 2023 a good time to be a commercial property broker, lender or developer?

A second panel of leading commercial property finance lenders & brokers join Brickflow CEO & Founder Ian Humphreys to tackle the big question.  They share their insights into why 'cautious optimism' is the name of the game for the rest of this year.  Featuring:

  1. David Hall, Managing Director at Oriel Finance
  2. Mike Jessop, Relationship Manager - Development Finance, LendInvest
  3. Andreas Yianni, Head of Business Development - London, CrowdProperty
Episode 1

Is 2023 a good time to be a commercial property broker, lender or developer?

Brickflow's CEO & Founder Ian Humphreys invites three industry experts to weigh up the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the rest of 2023.

  1. Broker Narinder Gill, Associate at Coreco
  2. Broker Joshua O’Leary,  Director at Mackenzie Byrne
  3. Lender Andrew Dignum, Lending Director, Development & Bridging Finance at HTB
Brick by Brick episodes

Watch the 30-minute videos or download the highlights

Episode 4
Solving the UK's Housing Shortage - Part 2 

Discussion includes why SME housebuilders are suffering most under our broken planning system and how the private sector is integral to improving access to funding. Exploring off-market land, standardising the planning system and better developer incentives are all proposed as solutions for kickstarting more housebuilding.

Episode 3
Solving The UK’s Housing Shortage - Part 1

A panel of industry experts discuss key issues discussed in our white paper, including improving housebuilding, government-private cooperation, financing, planning system reforms, and tech investments for net-zero goals.


Episode 2
Is 2023 a good time to be a commercial property broker, lender or developer?

The conversation continues in episode 2 as Ian Humphreys is joined by three new expert panellists lending their perspectives, insights and 'cautious optimism' for 2023.


Episode 1
Is 2023 a good time to be a commercial property broker, lender or developer?

In our first session, Ian Humphreys is joined by three industry-expert panellists to discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in 2023.


Join the conversation

The issues that matter to you 

If you're a Brickflow partner and would like to sit on the next Brick by Brick panel, or if you have an intersting idea for a future discussion, we'd love to hear from you. 

Email us on info@brickflow.com.