Borrower Tips (3)

Borrower Tips

Reasons why you should use a bridging loan

After 2022’s soaring housing market, things are cooling throughout 2023, meaning less competition and good opportunities for savvy investors. There are various funding options for property purchases, so we’re discussing the reasons why you should use a bridging loan.

Borrower Tips

Why is development finance important?

How a property development project is financed can affect everything from how quickly the project progresses to how profitable it will be. It also impacts how quickly you scale your business. So, why is development finance important?

Borrower Tips

What are the different types of development finance?

Every property development scheme has vast differences in scale, build type and budget, which means developers need different types of finance for each project.  So, what are the different types of development finance?

Borrower Tips

How to become a (really good) property developer

Insights into the essential skills needed to be a property developer and how to convince a lender you’ve the right experience to make your project a success.

Borrower Tips

Five development finance pitfalls to avoid

Find out how to avoid 5 common development finance pitfalls. Covers: shopping around, due diligence, skill gaps, partners & planning for change.