Brickflow Thinks

Welcome to our blog, curated to help you make smarter decisions when it comes to commercial property finance.

You’ll discover helpful how-tos, essential what-not-to-dos and expert advice, along with opinion & industry insights from our team of property finance specialists.

Industry Insights

Why the HMO and BTR markets are soaring

Are we out of the woods yet? Well, not really – recession, living costs and mortgage prices continue to hold back the property market. But relaxation of PDR rules has come just at the right time to capitalise on the soaring HMO and BTR sectors.

Borrower Tips

Is property development a good career?

Between the Brickflow team, we’ve completed a fair few successful property developments. We’re speaking to Ina Bakalova, one of our product managers, to talk about her developments and answer the ultimate question – is property development a good career?

Borrower Tips

Biodiversity Net Gain - Navigating the New Legislation

We know from our recent white paper research that 96% of developers are not confident in how to achieve BNG. But with the requirements that came into play in February 2024, it’s essential to understand what is expected of developers. Read our quick guide to understand the basics.

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (January 2024)

2023 ended on a high, and forecasts for the new year ahead indicate more stability, reduced borrowing costs and a handle on inflation. Will it all be plain sailing though, as markets navigate another devastating war, major global elections and the risk of recession not quite quashed?

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (December 2023)

After housing was notably absent from October’s Tory party conference, the Autumn Statement featured funding and reforms to boost development. But is it enough to reverse the impact of multiple failed policies, chronic austerity-driven underfunding of planning departments, NIMBY backbench-pressure, see-sawing housing targets and a merry-go-round of housing ministers?

Borrower Tips

Should I apply for a bridging loan? Risks and opportunities.

Whatever your property development plans, bridging finance is a fast, flexible way to fund your project. But alongside the opportunities comes risks, so we’re looking at both sides of bridging finance, as well as how to get the best deal. 

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (September 2023)

A halt to interest rate rises, a decrease in inflation and a resilience amongst mortgaged homeowners to stave off the bank’s bailiffs. Are things looking up? Read this month’s Industry Insights to find out why we believe now is the time for the savviest investors to grab opportunities.

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (August 2023)

Embracing an inner chameleon helps developers to continually adapt to market conditions, but in today’s climate should property investors and developers change how they measure a successful project? This month’s Industry Insights looks at why some property businesses are now focusing on Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) rather than profitability.

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (July 2023)

Planning permission: the dreaded process that's deterring more and more property developers. With recent reports showing drastic drops in applications in England, this month’s Industry Insights looks at the stats and the consequent effect on the future housing market.

Three approaches to Revolving Credit Facilities

Revolving Credit Facilities are a continual line of credit arranged between borrower and lender, where the borrower can access funds as and when needed, rather than drawing down on the entire loan from day one. Here, we look at the three approaches to arranging a Revolving Credit Facility (RCF).

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (April 2023)

On April 19th the ONS published its most recent report on property market activity. Despite four consecutive months of house price falls, the data reveals a stoic resilience within the UK property market.

Borrower Tips

How to finance your property development?

Have you spotted the perfect site for a project, or come across a quirky old warehouse that’s ripe for conversion? Then you’re probably wondering how to finance your property development? There’s plenty of options out there, and our simple guides are a great place to start gathering information.

Borrower Tips

Are bridging loans a good idea?

We’ve been discussing bridging loans a lot recently at Brickflow, from why and how people use bridging finance, to the benefits and how to apply.  Here, we are drilling a bit deeper and asking are bridging loans a good idea?

Borrower Tips

How to get finance for property development?

At Brickflow, getting finance for property development couldn’t be easier and we’re on a mission to make the market more accessible to all. Today we’re discussing development finance options, eligibility criteria and how to secure the best finance for property development.

Borrower Tips

How long does it take to get a bridge loan?

One of the key aspects of bridging loans is the speed with which they can be arranged, but there are a few factors which can delay your application. So we’re taking a look so you can avoid some common pitfalls.

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (March 2023)

March means Spring Budget, so this month we’re looking at any opportunities arising from the Chancellor’s announcement, and of course, the tremors in the global banking sector.

Borrower Tips

What is the difference between bridging and development finance?

Knowing the different types of finance available for property development is key when it comes to choosing the right funding for your project. We're looking at the differences between development and bridging finance and how they are both used.

Borrower Tips

What is an open-ended bridging loan?

Bridging finance can be used for a whole range of property investments so it’s helpful to know the types of bridging loans available.  In this article, we’re looking at open-ended bridging loans.

Borrower Tips

How much money do you need for property development?

Property development often seems like a business venture for people with wads of disposable cash. But realistically, how much money do you need? We’re discussing deposit requirements and if getting into property development is worthwhile.

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (February 2023)

Welcome to February’s Industry Insights, the inside track on property development. Read our views on the current economic climate, house price correction, adapting to the new market and why 2023 will hold plenty of opportunities.

Borrower Tips

Who is eligible for development finance?

Property development finance: who is eligible, what is the qualifying criteria and what costs are involved? How Brickflow can help you apply and secure the best development finance loan for your project. 

Borrower Tips

Brickflow Guide to Design and Access Statements

A Design and Access Statement (DAS) is an integral part of a planning application and required by planning rules.  Every property developer or architect working on anything other than a very small project must submit one. 

Borrower Tips

What are the pros and cons of property development?

We’ve all been captivated by the transformation journey of property, whether on the countless TV programmes or the extensive renovations of a neighbour’s home.  So what are the pros and cons of property development?

Borrower Tips

How does property development finance work?

Whether it’s a low-key investment or large-scale site, property development projects wouldn’t get off the ground without funding. We’re looking at the key features and main uses of property funding, beginning with how does property development finance work?

Borrower Tips

Reasons why you should use a bridging loan

After 2022’s soaring housing market, things are cooling throughout 2023, meaning less competition and good opportunities for savvy investors. There are various funding options for property purchases, so we’re discussing the reasons why you should use a bridging loan.

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (January 2023)

A new year ahead and an altered property market emerging. Read January's Industry Insights for our views on the back drop to the economic downturn, why interest rates are rising, why we’re facing a liquidity crunch and the outlook for 2023.

Borrower Tips

Why is development finance important?

How a property development project is financed can affect everything from how quickly the project progresses to how profitable it will be. It also impacts how quickly you scale your business. So, why is development finance important?

Borrower Tips

What are the different types of development finance?

Every property development scheme has vast differences in scale, build type and budget, which means developers need different types of finance for each project.  So, what are the different types of development finance?

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (October 2022)

Welcome to October's Industry Insights, our monthly round up of the conversations we’re having with commercial finance brokers, property entrepreneurs, agents and lenders. This month we look at interest rates, bridging finance and the commercial mortgage market.

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (September 2022)

Brickflow’s Industry Insights is a monthly round up of the common trends and conversations we’re having with property developers, brokers and lenders. With 42 lenders now on our platform, we’re speaking to them daily, which gives us exclusive insight into current market sentiment.

Market Watch

How do changing interest rates affect my development finance?

Interest rates have recently increased again and are forecast to rise further.

Rising rates means increased costs for borrowers, but what do rising interest rates mean for development finance and the cost of property loans?

Industry Insights

Industry Insights (August 2022)

This month we’re trying to make sense of the headlines on the economy for property developers as well as answer the questions that all developers are asking (no prizes for guessing that ‘fixed rates’ is the number 1 topic!).

Market Watch

Have build costs peaked?

Property developers and contractors have been faced with rising build costs for the best part of two years. Find out why they increased, whether or not they’ve peaked and what this means for you.

Market Watch

What is nutrient neutrality?

Do you know about nutrient neutrality? It’s stalling the building of 120,000 new UK homes. Find out more about this growing issue and how it might affect you.

Borrower Tips

How to become a (really good) property developer

Insights into the essential skills needed to be a property developer and how to convince a lender you’ve the right experience to make your project a success.

Borrower Tips

Five development finance pitfalls to avoid

Find out how to avoid 5 common development finance pitfalls. Covers: shopping around, due diligence, skill gaps, partners & planning for change.

Borrower Tips

Cracking the capital stack

All you need to know about the Capital Stack. Includes: what it is and how it works in practice.